Your pregnancy is reaching its end, and it is finally ready for you to start thinking about any special day ahead. One of those days will be your baby shower!
You are with a lot of your close friends and immediate family, and you can have a lot of fun with baby showers, especially if you are a new mom.
However, you or whoever is hosting your baby shower might be stuck on ideas, so you are looking up specific ways to help them out. A perfect way to have an event is through a diaper raffle, which gets you lots of diapers!
So, what are great ways to have a successful diaper raffle? Here are seven successful tips:
- Make sure to ask the parents what they want first
- Choose creative diaper raffle wording (tell your guests)
- Add raffle tickets to your invitations
- Offer an amazing surprise
- Set up a diaper raffle table
- Add raffle tickets in a jar
- Announce the winner
This article goes over the point of a diaper raffle, how you can have a successful raffle, and some ideas for you to have for an awesome prize. Continue reading to have the best baby diaper shower of your life!
What is a Diaper Raffle?
A diaper raffle is a fun activity where guests can bring different size diapers to a baby shower, baby sprinkle, or gender reveal party and get entered for a prize during the event.
Having a diaper raffle is relatively simple and easy because it only contains tickets, prizes, and a diaper raffle table to keep all the nappies together in one place.
All people need to bring is a pack of diapers to enter the drawing to win a grand prize! Overall, one bag of diapers of any size equals one ticket.

What is the Point of a Diaper Raffle?
A diaper raffle is the best way for expectant parents to save money for diapers when their little one arrives.
It also allows them to have a stockpile of diapers, so they do not need to worry about them for a few months.
In some cases, close friends and family members will bring so much that the parents will not need to worry about diapers throughout the entire first year of their lives!
Note: If the size is too tiny for the baby, new parents go inside their local store and exchange them for different sizes instead of purchasing new ones.
Another great reason diaper raffles are good is that it allows the parents to try out multiple brands and pick out their favorite.
In some cases, babies have allergic reactions to specific brands, so parents can pick and choose which brand preference they wish to have for their little ones.
Aside from the parents receiving benefits, a diaper raffle allows your baby shower guests to have fun. If they are not mingling as well as you hoped, then the diaper raffle will enable you to break that silence.
Overall, you will want to offer a little something to your guests to ensure they are all included.

How Can I Have a Successful Diaper Raffle?
You will want to find a fun way to make the baby diaper raffle special, and there are quite a few ways to do so! Let us go over them below.
1. Make Sure to Ask the Parents What They Want First
Suppose you have a parent who has done a ton of research on what brand of diapers they want for their little ones. In that case, it might be a good idea for you to ask the new mom what she wants for her first baby.
Some parents will only want cloth diapers, while others wish to have disposable diapers.
In other cases, new parents might want to try organic diapers to ensure there are no unwanted chemicals on them (many brands contain VOCs or volatile organic compounds.)
2. Choose Diaper Raffle Wording (Tell Your Guests)
On your baby shower invitations to all the guests, you might want to consider creating a diaper raffle invite. You can add a small card to the invitation and get creative with it!
In some cases, you might want to add a diaper raffle poem to the mix. Other times, you might want to get creative with your wording on the diaper raffle cards. Here are a couple of examples below:
Examples of a Diaper Raffle Poem
Example 1:
“Bring a package of diapers of any size for a chance to win a special prize!”
Example 2:
“A Small Request:
Keeping a baby changed is hard
So please consider diapers instead of a card
Just bring a pack other than newborn size
And you’ll be entered to win a prize.”
Example 3:
“We hope this isn’t too much to ask
But diapers for babies go fast
If you wouldn’t mind bringing a package or two
You’d have mom and dad’s gratitude
In exchange for these diapers of any size
You’ll be entered to win a fabulous prize.”
Diaper Raffle Wording Ideas:
- Example 1: We have a diaper raffle for baby [name]. Bring a package of diapers along with you instead of gifts or cards, and take home some gifts in return.
- Example 2: Come with diapers and get a chance to name the baby as a lucky prize! Join us for this diaper raffle ceremony.
- Example 3: Instead of cards and bouquets, we request you to bring in diapers for our baby. Please join us in our celebration and shower love on the kid.
3. Add Raffle Tickets to Your Invitations
Now that you have your wording, or are still thinking about it, make sure you add raffle tickets to the mixture! You can use printable diaper raffle tickets or purchase some admit one tickets online to make it simple for you.
On a simple note, make sure to have extra tickets for those who brought an extra pack of diapers or forgot their raffle ticket from home.
Doing so allows your guests to get additional drawings for the diaper raffle prize, and they are taken care of!
4. Offer an Amazing Surprise
When your guests get offered a great prize, nothing can go wrong!
You can incorporate this in many ways, from handing friends and family over a self-care packet to something as simple as a gift card.
In some cases, you might want one lucky guest to go home with a large prize. Other times, you might like to offer some small prizes.
We will go over some examples below:
Provide a Self-care Gift Basket
When providing a self-care gift basket, you say that you care about your friend’s and family’s needs! Often, we find it a bit difficult to care for ourselves when life happens, so ensuring that someone special has this option is always a great idea.
Pro tip: Make sure that whatever you give to your guests does not contain any artificial fragrances due to allergies or sensitive skin issues.
DIY Mimosa Kit
Having a mimosa is always fun during family events, but sometimes people love making them in the morning by themselves. When you provide step-by-step instructions, your guests will surely love it!
Provide a Gift Card
Next up on the list of ideas is a gift card. Having a gift card is a simple and easy way of saying you are grateful that person came.
Make sure to have a decent set amount of money on the card to make it worthwhile.
You might want to consider a Visa gift card or getting a card to where most people shop, like Wal-Mart, Target, or Amazon. Those cards go over very well instead of getting one at a specific regular or online store or restaurant that they might not enjoy going to.
DIY Coffee Lovers Gift Basket
Who doesn’t love coffee? It is a massive part of our daily lives, and for a good reason!
Many of us also love going to coffee shops because of the fantastic varieties it offers, so why not provide a simple solution for your guests to have in their home?
An example of a DIY coffee basket is this:
- Coffee
- Mug
- Flavored syrups
- Chocolate
- Cocoa
- Biscuits
- A card
- Mason jars
DIY Wine Lovers Gift Basket
Lastly, we have a DIY wine lovers gift basket. Some people do not care much for coffee as they do wine, so having this as an alternative is an excellent way to help your guests feel appreciated! Here is an idea of what you can put in there:
- A bottle of wine or mini wine bottles
- Crackers
- Wine glasses
- Wine corkscrew opener
- Books about wine
- Fresh fruit
- Wine coasters
- Wine-themed napkins
Provide Movie Tickets
Going to the movies is always a fun activity when you can do it with friends or family. You can even make it to where it is a date night for them and their significant other.
An idea for you is to provide two movie tickets and then a gift card for the winners to get movie snacks and some drinks for themselves to enjoy for a great night out!
5. Set Up a Diaper Raffle Table
Next up on how to have a success, we have a diaper raffle table. When you make it to where your guests cannot place their diapers back anywhere, it could quickly become a mess.
Find something in your basement, or get a fold-up table to keep your friends and family happy. Consider a diaper raffle sign to ensure your guests know where to put their package of diapers.
A pro tip is to make the table match the baby shower theme.
6. Add Raffle Tickets in a Jar
Although we said we wanted to add raffle tickets to the invitations, you also want to provide a jar or envelope to add your tickets to. The last thing you want is to keep the tickets all over the place, and it gets out of hand!
7. Announce the Winner
Now that we have everything set up to go, you will want to announce the winner of the diaper raffle!
As mentioned before, sometimes you might want to incorporate many little gifts, but there will be a grand prize in other cases. If you decide to do small gifts, a great way is to announce the winners after any fun games you play.
In other cases, you might want to consider advertising the winner near the end of the event.

Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Make My Baby Shower Not Dull?
There are quite a few ways to ensure your baby shower is not dull! Here are a few key things to know:
- Hold separate events for friends and relatives: Sometimes, friends and family do not mix well, so holding different events for both might be best, especially if some family is unaccepting of certain friends you have.
- Do not go over three hours: You do not want the event to be too long. Otherwise, you might get bored guests.
- Pick a good location: This location might be at your house, but at other times, you might want to pick a good place where guests have room to roam around in. This also includes having it somewhere that contains AC.
- Ban all uncomfortable topics and stories: Any heavy topic and TMI birth stories should not be talked about to ensure all guests remain happy with one another.
How Many Baby Shower Prizes Should I Have?
You should at least have one or two prizes per game. You can give a prize to the winner and runner up, or you can play multiple rounds if you want.
How Much Should Baby Shower Prizes Cost?
Baby shower prizes should cost anywhere between $5 to $20. You do not want to overdo it, so make sure you set a budget for yourself.
Overall, having a diaper raffle is an easy baby shower activity that all of your guests can enjoy and take part in if they bring any diaper brand.
You and your family and friends are making the guest of honor happy when you can provide enough diapers to last the mother and father a long enough time to settle into being new parents.